

Turn Your Ideas, Stories And Expertise Into A Book

Book  a free, zero-pressure 30-minute Discovery Call with The Book Cot and we will help you determine your next steps in partnering with our team to producepublish, and position the book you have always wanted to write within the next 90 days, without disrupting your normal schedule.

This Is What One Of Our First Time Authors Have To Say

You’re One Step Away From Becoming A Published Author Like These Awesome Authors!

“With my book project, you knew what needed to happen first and second, and third, and I just kind of followed your lead.

So it was super easy working with the team. I was super happy with the results, from graphics to editing to layout.

Everything was done perfectly. I mean, I can’t complain about anything.”

Vittorio Calabrese – Author of Accessing Your True Potentials
“Before I met Mayowa and the The Book Cot team, I was just a struggling dating coach with no platform, email list, and income.

But things changed when you and your team helped me put together and publish my first book – No More Mr. Nice Guy.

Without a website, I have been able to use my book to sell my dating coaching to men who need what I have.”

Ed Turner – #1 Bestselling Author of No More Mr. Nice Guy

Schedule Your Call Here



You’re committed to achieving your goal of becoming a published author.

You can set aside a dedicated time for this call.

You have a desire to share your stories,ideas and expertise.

You’re ready to work with us to make it happen.

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